Feb 3

Aliens in Nibiru: The Story of the Original Planet X

Extreme Mysteries writes “In this video, we take a look at the possibility of aliens living on a planet called Nibiru. Join Jason Martell, regularly featured guest on the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens,” as he shares years of research into the Ancient Astronaut Theory and Ancient Technology from our distant past. Over 30 ancient cultures reference interaction with physical beings they considered to be gods. Modern archeology considers these stories to be myth. Let’s take a closer look at the evidence.”

Check out the video here

4 Responses to “Aliens in Nibiru: The Story of the Original Planet X”

  1. Kimberly M

    This guy says he is Christian but he’s giving reasoning for things that he calls “biblical TALES” instead of Gods word. This is not a true Christian and it’s these types of people that our Bible tells us will be deceived and will miss the salvation of God. The Bible was written by men who spoke directly or had intervention DIRECTLY FROM GOD. NOT from reading “ancient tales”.

  2. Ron S

    Thanks Wes, I was hoping you’d give me a good UFO starting point today.

    You can call me crazy or whatever, but I think the truth really is hard to fathom. Aliens may come from the stars ⭐️ but nobody seems to gave caught on yet if those stars are right side up… hint hint.

    I hope people wake up and realize they’re being conditioned what to think, act, buy, fear, respond to, how we communicate, what we rely on, or what to believe/acknowledge, what we call a god or have faith in.

    I’ll give you my general observation, and you choose for yourself how to process or respond for yourself. What I have concluded goes all the way back to the ancient pyramids at least and today’s possible descendants and/or followers of the same demigods or demons.

    These craft (especially the triangular kind) are likely built by AI technology under the supervision of humans or under the supervision of genetic abominations that man helped create. The reason this is likely done because these humans who have a lot of control realize the spiritual world, and by pushing the blame off onto something else they feel less responsible or accountable for what it will do… Wrong!

    You see, these UAP or whatever are an introduction to slavery. The likely scenario is, creating a big chaos event amongst ourselves, new immigrants or anyone that doesn’t think or act the way you do. This brainwashing has been going on for a very long time.

    When things get bad these craft will appear to save people by destructive force and probably have some type of laser or more likely a lightning weapon ⚡️. Mockery of course.

    They will likely also have the ability by way of technology to use a gravitational frequency to levitate or pick up a human with no strings and hover them off. (More mockery to the ascension of Christ).

    These craft will work in conjunction with all the technology we have so conveniently gotten comfortable with and all the cameras we have placed everywhere out of our own willingness and through lies we have been feed to not follow or believe in the One true God.

    At first the craft will seem to many fools like a good idea or a RoboCop/god all in one. It will likely even give you credit just for being a good citizen like the Sims game… Lull you into that false sense of security. The catch will be, if you want your good little boy or girl credits you have to have some tech implanted to your mind or body and even as simply as getting a syringe full of God only knows what. Big mistake!

    At first it will appear as a good thing, and you will see rewards granted to the first however many it takes and they will appear to prosper… but this only the bait. And unknowingly your willingness to accept this agreement will be like a contract from the devil to sign over your soul.

    The overall goal of these demigod or demon worshippers is complete control to enslave humanity, take away your free will, your rights and ability to worship God, love, find peace and a way into Heaven. Once they have this kind of control the rewards go out the window and humanity can be used for whatever dark experiments they want (that’s what they think at least).

    You have been conditioned to this by the pandemic, by media, by your “comforts”, by not thinking, questioning or having less or no faith. All the answers are right in front of your nose and it will have to been soon that you realize it. These “greys” are now biological creations with tech stemming from man made, but first appeared to humans as an abomination from hell with that dark twist of “partly human” characteristics. Fits right in line with abduction scenarios and the whole kitten kaboodle.

    All ancient civilizations left traces of odd looking things because they actually appeared to them in this reality, and not fairy tale graphics for fun.

    I have analyzed so much and this is my only conclusion that makes absolute perfect sense in every way. We have to avoid the approaching anarchy we are being set up for and soon stand as one. Start today. Follow those commandments and virtues. We can still win by ourselves through God and retain our own rights and freedoms before God himself has had enough of it, steps in and kicks demon butts and their followers into hell once again.

    God love and keep you all🌞🙏🏼❤️

    I’m sorry that was kinda scary but I don’t know how else to say it. I had to leave a lot out but I hope that was enough. Bare in mind I could be wrong, but I feel this is close.

    • Ron S

      I don’t like plugging other shows and respect SC so much, but please watch Sasquatch Theory on YT: Bigfoot and paranormal Native (latest one), I’m watching it now. You might understand how people don’t recognize how these dark things are all tied together and people just don’t realize it fully yet and try to separate different phenomena… they’re definitely beginning to understand I’m noticing, but only very recently.
      Thanks Tony M also, you’re on the right track now. IMO

      I don’t agree with many people fully, but if you want to know how dark entities work watch anything with Fr. Chad Ripperger (exorcist) speaking. I can vouch from personal experience he knows exactly what he’s talking about and so much more. You can take his word to the bank IMO, I haven’t heard anything he said that didn’t ring true. I found him just recently and just after a recent and scary experience, I woke up and his video was highlighted and ready to go for me… It was odd but also not if you know what I mean. Answered many questions I had. 🌞🙏🏼

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