Jul 26

A Dogman Encounter from Southern Arizona

Mattsquatch Presents writes “A friend and fellow researcher shares his Dogman encounter for Arizona.”

2 Responses to “A Dogman Encounter from Southern Arizona”

  1. Dutch W

    When I am researching known dogman sighting locations the one tool I never leave at home is a lithium powered vacuum cleaner. In all seriousness an effective tool is a green light laser pen first illumination is vertical , if that doesn’t get them to rethink their posture, than the second goes into the eye shine . That is a freaky thing to them and you can safely back out……….So far.

  2. Steven B

    Excellent advice, Dutch. I’ve heard that same “green laser messes with their vision” from a Bob Garrett interview in reference to Sasquatch. I imagine that the night vision of any animal/creature would be screwed up by this type of light.

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