Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:1034 The Boston Bar Creature

Luke writes “My sighting happened in British Columbia Canada in a small town named Boston bar where I was staying while I worked. This was maybe 2012-2013,I love the outdoors always have hiking camping anything outdoors I would do it.

In the town I was staying in there where a bunch of side roads that would go up into the mountains where you could get to the top and walk the trails near the snow line. I wanted to check it out so I drive up there. I park get out and start walking this trail at the base of the snow line I see deer tracks moose tracks and as I’m walking I notice that these deer tracks have bare feet next to it following them. In my mind I’m thinking your crazy for walking up here bare foot.


I didn’t even consider the size of the prints at the time. But as I’m walking I’m noticing it’s super quite which is weird and I start to feel very uneasy like I’m being watched. So because I’m alone I decide to head back to the car and I leave. I didn’t go back up there for maybe 3-4 days finally I get the day off of work and I go back up this time I bring my buddy Dave with me.

I park in the exact same spot as before when I get out Dave even notices how quite it is I told him the same thing when I came up 3 days ago we start walking and we get to this small hill on the road and I notice again these deer prints going the same direction as where going as we get to the top of this small hill this rock goes flying past me and Dave it went past us like a fast ball being thrown. I’m like what the hell was that no sooner do we stop talking we can hear this deep deep guttural growl coming from the tree line now this tree line is thick and very hard to see in so we couldn’t see anything Dave is nervous and I’m starting to shake a bit cause there’s cougars up there and grizzly bears.

My biggest fear seeing a grizzly or a cougar so as where standing there we start to hear it again this time there’s a huge knock coming from behind us about 60 feet away now where really starting to panic cause now there’s two of whatever it is I have the flight or fight starting to happen but I’m to scared to move so Dave says to me we need to move like now as we start to move slowly back towards where we came we hear the growl again this time it sounds closer then before now I’m really scared cause whatever it is is now on the move.

We start walking at a good speed and we can hear these heavy foot steps in the tree line walking at the same pace as us. So now I’m starting to shake and panic is setting in. Dave is white as a ghost scared out of his mind. Where about maybe 4 mins from the car I’m out of breath at this point trying to catch my breath cause I don’t wanna stop.

Another rock goes flying past us from behind this time so Dave stops and yells if someone is messing around if I catch you your F**king dead as soon as he says that this growl came from those woods that was so heavy and deep I knew this wasn’t someone messing around with us I turn my head to see how much farther we had to the car when I look I can see this dark black figure standing at the tree line by my car now where maybe 30 feet from the car this thing towered the tree it was standing next to.

It looked like a hairy body builder it stood there for maybe 20 seconds and then it walked past my car went down the side of the road and was gone you could hear whatever it was that was in front of us in the tree line walking away the thunderous foot steps where so heavy it was breaking tree limbs as it walked the second we got the nerve to run we took off towards my car got in and took off down the hill me and him both didn’t say a word to each other the whole drive.

I always believed in Bigfoot but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever encounter one. Since that day happened I never go into the woods or hiking unless I have two or more people with me it scared the hell out of me that something that big lives in the woods.”





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