Jul 18

Paranormal News: Area 51 special

We are IF writes “The stories I have you this week start with one of the most viral UFO-related stories in recent years the storming of area 51, second the documentation of UFOs by the United States air force this followed by the UFO cryptid and paranormal summer vacation spot and ending with the sale of one of the most spooky properties to ever have been put to film.

So first up a story that continues to grow and grow, what started out as an online petition by a few UFO nerds has now grown into a global movement that includes celebrities like the Rock and Keanu Reeves.

I am of course talking about the planned raid on area 51! 1.1 million people have pledged that on September 20th they will storm the gates of the secretive military facility a move which the US Air Force is strongly advising against.

Here’s the plan, as per the creator of the event: “We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Let’s see them, aliens.”


7 Responses to “Paranormal News: Area 51 special”

  1. Carolyn R

    As for the storming of area 51, you will be sorely disappointed if you leave out s 4. If I remember right, South or south west of 51 about 15 or 20 miles. According to my uncle Ryno….

  2. John P

    All of these interest me. The spring ad area 51 ill sit out on. However RI is not far away. I cried when Lorane Warren passed. She was gifted for sure. I wouldn’t want that responsibility.

  3. Charles R

    I have seen this on the National news the past few days. They may get a gathering, but doubtful it will go beyond this. I will admit I am intrigued by the influx of people that have taken an interest in the UFO field after decades of the media treating it like a taboo subject, much like the Sasquatch field. The cable channels associated with the Discovery Channels have exploded with new shows on UFOs. Some are most excellent and the Unidentified shows were awesome and hard to challenge.

    Carolyn R is correct. If the facilities to back engineer the captured craft are still in this area they are farther south at S-4.

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