Nov 13

Tonight’s Show: The Footprints Seem To Vanish

Jim writes ” live in the middle of the bush in Northern Ontario Canada. I am 52 years old and a tradesman, I have lived here for 7 years and have been coming to this area hunting hiking etc since I was 19 years old.

My friend and his wife have a small farm here and I live on the property and work it with them. We raise our own chickens, pigs, turkey, quail, grow our own vegetables, etc. We are avid hunters and fishermen, we make our own Maple Syrup, you know, we are living off the land as much as we can. We love this way of life and would not have it any other way.

We have sasquatches that travel through the back part of the property during the summer until around first snowfall; we have figured this out over the last 7 years. My friends wife saw a grey sasquatch one morning as she stepped out onto the front porch. She said it was behind our scrap pile and she clearly saw it’s side profile as it walked the length of the pile and then it turned it’s back to her and walked away until she could no longer see it. It had long gray hair, gray coloured skin and had to have been 8 feet tall for her to have seen it behind the scrap pile. My daughter and my friends daughter were behind the house on the walking trail he had and they came running to us saying they found huge footprints in the snow behind the house.

What we saw was incredible, all along the power cut and down to directly behind his house was a set of footprints that were massive and in a straight line. Directly in front of one another not staggered like a human. I am 6ft4 and I have a size 15 boot, I stood in that footprint and it swallowed my boot. It had to have been 18 inches or better. There are a few other things which have happened and continue to happen here. I would love to discuss them with you.”

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