Feb 28

Something huge jumping out a tree and running

A listener writes “First of all I just want to say that I enjoy your show so very much, you’ve helped so many people get their stories told and have allowed them to feel normal for knowing things that are not normal in our society.

You have helped me as well because there have been mysteries that have plagued my brain for my entire life and I feel like I can put the puzzle pieces together and know what was possibly happening in my life. Now my story won’t be one that will make you want to put me on your show because I have never seen a bigfoot, however I would like to tell you these things because what I have to say will just be another piece of “evidence” that so many people have experienced the same type of things and I’ll give you locations in the case that this helps in any way. For the first 13 years of my life I lived on a mountain in east Tennessee, the road leading to the mountain was Sugar Grove Valley road and I lived in Holiday Shores at the very top. We overlooked the Clinch River and on clear days you could see the Smokey Mountains outlined in the distance. To put this into perspective I was born in 1970, we lived basically in the middle of nowhere and it was years before we had any close neighbors. My dad liked to drink, he was WWII vet that had seen and done too many things I think, and when he did he wasn’t the nicest person so I grew up climbing trees and running the mountain all the way down to the river by myself, I was an only child. The “outdoors” was my playground and we were pretty poor so I didn’t have all the toys and great things to keep me bound up inside the house and for this I am thankful. Some of my first memories though have always haunted me a bit, I was a “sensitive” child I guess and to this day I am able to “sense” danger when I am outdoors. There were several times I would be outside playing and suddenly develop a great sense of unease and impending danger.

I remember those moments of just sheer panic and I would run as fast as I could to my mom but never was able to pinpoint anything that should be causing that feeling. I remember one day being outside with my mom, there was a tree line straight over the hill from our backyard, it’s hard for me to say now exactly how far away it was but it was a pretty good distance. I remember mom looking that way and she had a strange look on her face so it drew my attention and then I heard what had caught her attention, it was heavy “footsteps” in that tree line, like something very heavy making its way through and I remember her saying that it was strange to be hearing something like that as far away as we were. I remember asking what it was and her saying she had no idea but it had to be something big and I needed to be careful when I was out “roaming” as she called it. Not too long after that we were at a neighbor’s house down the road. They had three horses that I dearly loved and I remember hearing them suddenly making an absolute ruckus. My dad and the neighbor jumped up, grabbed guns and ran outside. They were out there a while and when they came back in the house I remember my dad being oddly quiet but the owner of the house said he didn’t know what was out there but they had ran it off. I could tell he was upset and I remember them talking about how they didn’t know what was out there but the horses were in a corner of the fence and going crazy and when they got close they heard something take off running that was “as fast as deer but as heavy as a bear”, I remember my dad saying that there was no bear in the world that could move that fast. Not long after that I remember this neighbor’s teenage son saying that he had heard something that sounded like something huge jumping out a tree and running off on their property. One night soon after that I was out on our back porch which was actually on the second story of the house we lived in so it was up off the ground a ways. It was dark but my parents didn’t think anything of me playing out there.

Suddenly I got that “eerie feeling” and I heard a baby start crying, like a tiny baby. Now keep in mind that there were literally no other sounds at that time, no bugs no nothing except for the crying baby. I went and got my mom and as soon as she heard it she told me to get in the house. I kept asking what it was and begging her to go help it and she said no that it was a “rabid fox baby” and it would give us rabies. Now as a child I didn’t question that answer but I was so torn, I can’t even describe how hard it was to listen to and not go help it. I could also tell that this was a BS answer and she did not think it was a fox at all. Not long after this the lights started showing up and mom and dad had no explanation for them. These lights were just a light white color, sometimes there was one, sometimes two, sometimes they moved and sometimes they were stationary. They were never inside the house, only outside and if you looked directly at them they would disappear. My mom and I made a game out of seeing them after a while. We would say, “don’t look now but there’s a light ………..” on the porch, on the ground, they look like two eyes……we all seen them and could see them at the same time as long as we didn’t look directly at them. One night I watched numerous ones cascade in font of my bedroom window. One Thanksgiving several of our Kentucky relatives came down. After our meal we decided to go for a walk because the adults all needed to “walk the meal off”. We were up above the river on a gravel road, there were no houses close and the wood got very thick on one side, I remember it was some kind of evergreens and they had branches all the way to the ground if that makes sense. I had started hearing something to my right in this thick vegetation that sounded like footsteps crunching in the leaves. I looked around and everyone that was supposed to be with me was still on the road. Finally one of adults made a comment about us being “paced” and everyone immediately stopped walking. The sound in the woods stopped. We started walking and the walking in the woods started again. Now at first they were saying it was a bobcat but then the conversation turned to no its to heavy, no it sounds like a person. We would stop and it would stop, we would start and it would start.

We tried everything to see through that thick brush to see what it was and then it just got spooky so we all just hurried out of that section of the road and never heard another thing. And I’m going to stop here but send another email if it’s okay, I have some other weird stuff to tell you but I hate to make these too long. Thank you for being a “listening ear”, this stuff has always confused me so badly and listening to your shows have shown me I’m not the only one out there so to speak. I’ve just always had to be careful talking about this stuff, I am a social worker and if people thought I “crazy” it wouldn’t be good professionally!”

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