Feb 24

Mysterious Lightning Orbs

A listener writes “Hello Wes, After listening to your show for over a year, I wanted to share an experience my wife and I had one summer night during a thunderstorm.

You’ll have to forgive me for not remembering the exact year as I once had the account written down, but have since lost it. I do know it happened at the end of August and occurred in either 2012 or 2013. I know your program specializes in Sasquatch, but you have also covered other unexplained experiences.

Upon returning to the valley from an afternoon out in the Wasatch Mountains in the state of Utah, we were greeted with an incredible sight. Looking towards the west, a beautiful sunset could be seen, but large intense dark clouds were also seen slowly making their way to the bottom of Utah County, which is where we lived. Lightning could be seen inside the clouds and the distance rolling of thunder could be heard. We were in for a stormy night.

Sure enough once we made it back to our home, it began to rain. The evening went normally, in our dark secluded part of town, until I was going to go to bed. I opened the back door to catch a glimpse of all the lightning that had been lighting up our windows all evening and I saw multiple lights flying above our neighborhood.

The best way to describe the lights was that they were orbs that glowed a dim whiteness color. I went outside in disbelief and stood in the rain watching these things flying in a set pattern. To my left, in the rainy night sky, was a large orb that raced down towards the treeline approximately a football field and a half away from where I was. Once it reached the treeline, the large orb would then shoot forward in a straight line. After going 15 to 20 feet in this direction, it would then make a hard right turn gaining altitude coming towards me. As it would come towards me, the large orb would break into multiple smaller orbs and race across the sky directly above me. I’d have to walk further out onto the porch to see them on the other side of my home. From there, the multiple orbs would take another hard right and race back towards the treeline where I first saw it. The orbs would merge back together and become the large one once again. The orbs would fly in the same pattern over and over again. While this was happening, I could see lightning in the storm above me. It felt like they were attracted to the lightning as they carried out this crazy flight pattern right in the midst of the storm.

Of course I rubbed my eyes more than once to make sure I wasn’t seeing things, but sure enough, the orbs were as real as the lightning I was seeing. I poked my head in and called for my wife to see. She did witness the same thing I was seeing and was very confused. She quickly grabbed our video camera, but the orbs couldn’t be seen at all on the camera’s display screen. My wife started to become afraid of the orbs that maybe they’d become aware of us watching. We had three small children in the home and she didn’t want any harm to come to them so she pleaded with me to come inside. I listened to her, but after being in for a few minutes I had to see them again.

This time I went to the front of our home and watched from a different perspective. The orbs were still flying in the same pattern, but before forming back into the main orb I could see the multiple orbs flying all over above my home for a couple minutes. I asked myself if I was watching a flock of seagulls, as that is what my mind was trying to make sense of, but seagulls don’t glow and don’t go for night time flights during a thunderstorm. It is hard to judge the size of the large orb, but I would estimate it was the size of a large SUV, (for my job, I work around different sizes of vehicles) and the multiple orbs were about the size of car doors. After all these years, I can still see the large orb breaking into multiple, approximately 10 or more, smaller orbs only to reform again. Also, the fast and sudden change in directions stand out to me.

To this day I am not sure what we witnessed or if anyone else in the smaller town observed it as well. If it was some type of government craft/crafts, I do not know why they would carry out such an operation over an insignificant small town Utah in the middle of a storm. However, maybe that is why they would do such a thing if it truly was the government. Dugway Proving Ground, which has been called “Area 52,” is about an hour and half away from where the experience happened. Look up the story about the soldier that went missing from the actual grounds of Dugway, if you’re interested in an unsolved mystery. Maybe someone at that base could come forward with more insight. I am not saying my story and the missing soldier are connected, but the unexplained does make you wonder what is really going on.

I hope my story will be able to confirm to others that have witnessed these balls of lights, also known as Foo Fighters, that they are real. I can affirm it wasn’t a ball of lightning or some other weather phenomenon. Thank you for time and for reading.”

5 Responses to “Mysterious Lightning Orbs”

  1. Nigel R

    My gran had what she described as “ball lightning” come out of her fireplace. It hovered around there living room before floating out/through a window. I never got to ask her how it knew where the window was.

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