Jun 12

Bigfoot and Beyond: Paul Cropper & The Yowie File!

Bigfoot and Beyond writes “Cliff Barackman and James “Bobo” Fay speak with Paul Cropper, co-author of the new book The Yowie File: Encounters with Australian Ape-Men! Paul discusses the history of the Australian mystery apes, notable cases, and the other cryptids that might lurk down under!”

2 Responses to “Bigfoot and Beyond: Paul Cropper & The Yowie File!”

  1. Ron S

    I agree with Pauls view and having an open mind to the subject of the Yowie possibly being something other than natural, such as a kangaroo or other known animals. It’s very similar in many cases to what we have in the States with many different types of unexplained events.

    Out of the whole episode, what hit me the hardest was the commercial. I feel bad for Cliff having occasional depression… It seems to me that sometimes these symptoms are a body’s way of naturally telling you that you need to change something naturally in your lifestyle in order to live a more rewarding life with more joy.

    Staying on the same path with the same habits could be creating your problems to begin with… Then artificially creating tolerability or happiness with pharmaceuticals attached to a lifelong payment plan, then pushing that idea onto others is a big no no if you ask me… especially in the modern era where people are easily persuaded to go for the quick and easy.

    People look up to you Cliff, you have media attention and influence. You’re good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you… seriously, they do.

    We should all strive to do the right thing and be the example, not the sell out.

    Maybe take advice from friends you consider wise and content or also consult an honest professional with help first before subjecting your body, liver and mind to chemicals you may not actually even need… That’s my thought anyway. 🙏🏼

    • Charles R

      Neat change of pace with this interview of Paul Cropper. It was back in 2009 when I came across Dean Harrison’s website of Yowie encounters. It blew my mind that Australia had the exact same hominid on their continent as we did, and how and the heck did they get their. Accoriding to the natives, just like here, that had always been their as long as the natives were. At that time in 2009 Dean had several hundred accounts, I am sure it expanded greatly since then. I’m glad Paul brought up Springbook, I think it is a national forest, as haveing a great sighting by a Senator and children way back in the 70s. And even better it was in Springbook not quite 2 years ago when Dean Harrison’s group The Yowie Hunters got what I believe (and so does Bobo) is the greatest thermal ever recorded anywhere. If you have not seen it, go find it. They were able to insert a six foot team member in place of the subject and the size difference is off the charts.

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