Oct 30

Bigfoot and Beyond: Clobo’s Ghost Stories!

Did Bobo see a ghost? Bigfoot and Beyond writes “Cliff Barackman and James “Bobo” Fay share their spookiest experiences and apparitional encounters in this Halloween-themed episode!”

Link to the show

One Response to “Bigfoot and Beyond: Clobo’s Ghost Stories!”

  1. Ron S

    I’m actually surprised and slightly impressed that Cliff had a paranormal encounter and acknowledges the existence of entities or at least what we refer to (in one category) as spirits. I can understand seeing is believing as well as being skeptical to something you haven’t experienced to some degree, especially when the accounts go against the grain of everything you’d expect or maybe even secretly hope something truly is. But I also wonder how many seemingly honest accounts do you have to hear that coincide with each other that also seem to fit within a box, but just a box bigger than your own and one you haven’t been able to ever see clearly into its corners, or want to perhaps?

    Lately I wonder if it isn’t best for some people not to have experienced the more unusual aspects of things, to keep their grasp of reality limited to something more old school tv friendly. Some people may be so cemented in what they were taught growing up that “In Search Of” is all they can handle before some kind of mental breakdown or living in fear occurs, or an experience that will permanently alter some quality of life for themselves that doesn’t fit into the grand scheme of things.

    It might be that we are only allowed to experience life to the depths of our individual imaginations, not to say people are imagining things but that something in or outside ourselves knows what we are capable of handling/combating wether that knowing intelligence be God, the soul, mind, body, a Guardian Angel or some other intelligence.

    Maybe our state of minds are wherever they’re supposed to be right now, or maybe they’re already positioned in an ongoing spiritual battle, or in some cases right where something darker thinks they should be with limited information (without the gravy or extra sides), just the meat and potatoes, and leave it at that.

    Whatever the case may be, it didn’t take long for me to realize I graduated from the little kids table pretty quick and was suddenly dining on some rare supernatural cuisine (I didn’t care for the taste of all of it) but the plates kept getting pushed at me, so much so that if some of this smorgasbord wasn’t backed up by other witnesses I would’ve already honorably checked myself into the rubber room motel, made a dunce hat for myself that said “broken” and shut the door behind me, dreaming about those meat and potatoes days. All I can say now is thank God for God and for witnesses too.

    Personally I think protection by faith is much more powerful, grounding and freeing for those who’ve experienced more bizarre things, likely brings more peace, better than someone who has experienced “something” that they can still convince themselves fits in a scientific box, even though both are without truly having the full scientific hard evidence there is still slightly more physical evidence, because at present it’s the only thing we consider as reliable or even know how to find, record or measure, especially versus things beyond the physical… I mean people are still banking on those dollar store catballs for paranormal evidence for Pete’s sake… And oh yeah, all this dark stuff associated for a very long time with cats, and it doesn’t dawn on anyone evil might be having a laugh at making your cat toy go off, because you haven’t made the connection yet? I think so.

    People naturally fear the unknown or unseen. I think I’d be more afraid of going into the outdoors with the possibility there might be some crazy, crafty, giant man-ape thingy lurking around and me not knowing what to expect (especially without having faith in a higher power), more than experiencing and realizing that there’s more to the phenomenon that a pew-pew isn’t going to stop, but later finding out the cross-hairs of faith will.

    Stopping “natural” predators on the other hand, that outcome seems very interesting to me and idk how much divine intervention takes place in those scenarios, how often or by what circumstances the outcome is determined… It might be too complex and constantly changing to ever predict.

    As for Bobo, he’s obviously been more open minded on the topic of Sasquatch longer, I’m surprised he hasn’t already came walking out of the woods with a big smile on his face and a twig wrapped around his finger while exclaiming the joy of his new engagement😂… JK Bobo. Both are great guys and I do enjoy that they have some differences in opinion or experiences though… It’s a good example of getting along with others even though life hands us a different set of colors and different skills or experiences to draw from, or with. It about taking all our pictures we’ve created and putting them to together… Even if Willys scribbles over there 👀 looks kinda simple and silly 😜 it’s all part of it, so I’m still thankful for all of them and variety truly is good, meat and potatoes included.

    God bless🙏🏼

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